Therapy Options


Traditionally, therapists have seen their clients within the confines of the therapy office. While the majority of psychotherapy continues to be conducted face-to-face and in person, as the 21st century technology grows, more and more people choose to meet with their therapist remotely.

Some reasons for choosing remote, or "E-therapy" are:

Reducing travel time to appointments

Scheduling a meeting during the work day without leaving the office

When travel takes you out of town

Working with a therapist outside your local area that has the expertise you require

I am an experienced E-therapist, having worked with individuals and couples who prefer an electronic connection. I use a HIPPA approved teleconference platform that ensures our privacy.

There is a unique intimacy working face-to-face over the web that I find to be different, but as valuable as the in office experience.

For more information, or to schedule and appointment, please email me at